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Here to help you achieve the highest GCSE Grades of A and A*.


A/A* Guide - GCSE Computing

Below are some hints and tips to ensure you gain those top marks in your
GCSE Computing Exam.
Types of Question

Short answer questions (1-4 marks)

Read the question carefully to ensure you understand whether the examiner is looking for you to provide a list of responses or a short phrase.

You need to be aiming to get mostly full marks on this type of question if you are to achieve A/A* grades

    If you can’t think of a full answer straight away, write something on the page and allow time to come back and answer that question more fully later.

     Essay questions (6 marks)

It is important when revising for essay-style examinations that you are familiar with the wording that may be used for the question.

Essay questions are testing how much you can remember about a topic, how you apply your knowledge, whether you can argue a point of view or criticise and/or analyse, and if it is clear that you understand the topic. Essay questions also look at how you construct your answer within a set time and how you can cope under the pressure of the exam.

Familiarise yourself with command words that may be used. The table below explains some common command words.

Spend a moment to ensure you understand the command words in the question and check how many points are awarded. This will give you an indication of how much you need to write.

Write a brief, bulleted plan of your response. Please remember to strike a line through your rough work so that it is clear that it is not your exam response.

If you are arguing a point, ensure you have some balance and have explored alternative explanations or opposite points of view.

Be thorough but precise, avoiding unnecessary waffle. It’s a waste of precious time.

Higher level subject knowledge requirements:

To achieve those A & A* grades, you should be able to:

ü  Understand algorithms (written in pseudocode or flow diagram), explain what they do, and correct or complete them.

ü  Produce algorithms in pseudocode or flow diagrams to solve problems.

ü  Describe syntax errors and logic errors which may occur while developing a program.

ü  Understand and identify syntax and logic errors.

ü  Select and justify test data for a program, stating the expected outcome of each test.

ü  Explain the need for security measures in networks, such as user access levels, suitable passwords and encryption techniques.

ü  Describe and justify network policies such as acceptable use, disaster recovery, failover, back up, archiving.

Final Tips

    Leave some time to double check your answers before the end of the exam.

    Underline the command word to remind yourself how you are expected to answer.

    Marks awarded for questions marked with an * will be impacted by the quality of your written communication – spelling, punctuation and grammar.

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