Why 'Get Great Grades'?

Here to help you achieve the highest GCSE Grades of A and A*.


How to get an A/A* in Sociology

The Assessment Objectives

To achieve an A or A* grade in Sociology you need to maximise your marks by demonstrating the skills that the examiners are looking for, these skills are:

Knowledge and understanding (A01)

You need to demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of the relevant topics (including social structures, social processes and social issues) that you have studied. So it is essential to revise the subject content carefully in order to maximise your A01 marks

   Application of knowledge and understanding (A02)

You need to apply the appropriate concepts, terms and explanations effectively.

   Interpretation, analysis and evaluation (A03)

You need to interpret data from the items accurately.
Evaluate different sources and methods when answering the Studying Society questions about investigating a given topic.
In your extended answers, you should aim to evaluate the different explanations and outline appropriate conclusion

Exam Dos and Don’ts.....

The command words

The exam questions are carefully worded to test your sociological skill. The command words are very important because they make it clear exactly what you are required to do when answering a particular question. So to maximise your chances of getting high marks and an outstanding grade, you should ensure that you understand what the different command words are asking you to do. This will help you to respond directly and appropriately to them

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