Controlled Assessment:
• Demonstrate discrimination when selecting and acquiring relevant research that will promote originality.
• Analyse relevant existing products.
• Fully identify the target market.
• Create and develop creative, innovative and imaginative ideas.
• Consideration of social, moral, environmental and sustainability.
• Experimentation through development using a variety of skills.
• Fully detailed and justified product specification taking full account of the analysis undertaken.
• Practical work shows a high level of making, finishing and presenting skills.
• Selected and used appropriate tools and ingredients independently.
• Final product demonstrates a rigorous and demanding outcome.
• Quality controls are evident throughout the project and it is clear how accuracy has been used and achieved.
• Detailed testing and evaluation is evident throughout the designing and making process taking account of the target market.
• All areas of the final outcome have been tested against the specification and evaluated.
• Thorough evaluation and justification of modifications required and modifications for commercial production and sale.
Food is the only technology subject where drawing ability is not critical and annotation is more important
Section A
This is about 30-35 marks of the 120 mark paper. You already know what the theme is for this, so you must explore all possible outcomes and practice drawing these ideas.
• Carefully read the whole design question which is often broken up into parts (a, b, c). If you don’t you may spend too much time on ideas and not enough time on developing them or producing a final presentational drawing, so read ahead!
• Meet the bullet pointed criteria. Within each criteria think about how the marks are awarded as these are always broken down.
E.g Creativity and Quality of sketching: /8
High level- Range of creative ideas well communicated, with 1 or more idea developed in detail showing progression. Evidence of flair. Indication of colour considered. 7-8 marks
• Creativity and flair- You must display this to achieve the top marks.
• When adding colour always use tone and a fineliner to enhance the drawing (not in food).
• Develop an idea- You must explain your improvements and justify these improvements.
• Know how it could be made in school and in industry. You must have a good knowledge of production methods, presentation/finishing skills and techniques.
• Evaluate- You must be analytical and critical in your response with justification and not just self congratulating.
Section B
• QWC- The QWC question is usually 8-10marks. For this question you must write in detail showing excellent Quality of Written Communication
7-8 Marks A fully detailed and comprehensive response.
The answer is well-structured, with good use of appropriate design & technology terminology and showing a good grasp of grammar, punctuation and spelling.
- Never bullet point answers. Always use written paragraphs.
- Use PEE- Point Evidence Explain!
1-2 Mark questions
• Do not use generic terms. When giving a material as a response be specific i.e. Pine and not wood.
• When explaining material choice never put cheap or strong and always justify your response i.e. Pine is more economical, because it comes from fast growing trees and is grown in a large number of countries. Therefore it is readily available and low in cost.
Other points
• Drawings or diagram must be as neat as possible without smudges or double lines.
• Know your keywords and use them in your annotation and responses.
• Never write in the page border, as this will not be marked. If you need extra paper ask for it.
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