Why 'Get Great Grades'?

Here to help you achieve the highest GCSE Grades of A and A*.


How to get an A/A* in Science

This is the content that can only appear on the Higher Tier and therefore fulfils the highest grade requirements
antibiotics kill individual pathogens of the
non-resistant strain

individual resistant pathogens survive and
reproduce, so the population of the resistant
strain increases

now, antibiotics are no longer used to treat
non-serious infections, such as mild throat
infections, so that the rate of development of
resistant strains is slowed down.

be able to balance
symbol equations.

Emulsifiers have hydrophilic and hydrophobic

Vegetable oils that are unsaturated can be
hardened by reacting them with hydrogen in
the presence of a nickel catalyst at about 60°C.
Hydrogen adds to the carbon–carbon double
bonds. The hydrogenated oils have higher
melting points so they are solids at room
temperature, making them useful as spreads
and in cakes and pastries.

describe why we do not know how life was first

One theory as to how life was formed involves
the interaction between hydrocarbons,
ammonia and lightning.

Air is a mixture of gases with different boiling
points and can be fractionally distilled to
provide a source of raw materials used in a
variety of industrial processes.
All content can range up to A/A*
As the breakdown of glucose is incomplete,
much less energy is released than during
aerobic respiration. Anaerobic respiration
results in an oxygen debt that has to be
repaid in order to oxidise lactic acid to
carbon dioxide and water.

construct genetic diagrams of monohybrid
crosses and predict the outcomes of
monohybrid crosses and be able to use the
terms homozygous, heterozygous, phenotype
and genotype

When a cell divides to form gametes:
copies of the genetic information are made
then the cell divides twice to form four
gametes, each with a single set of

amino acids which makes a specific protein.

genetic variation – each population has a
wide range of alleles that control their

natural selection – in each population, the
alleles that control the characteristics which
help the organism to survive are selected

speciation – the populations become so
different that successful interbreeding is no
longer possible.
The electrons in the highest occupied energy
levels (outer shell) of metal atoms are
delocalised and so free to move through the
whole structure. This corresponds to a
structure of positive ions with electrons
between the ions holding them together
by strong electrostatic attractions.

Substances that consist of simple molecules
have only weak forces between the molecules
(intermolecular forces). It is these
intermolecular forces that are overcome, not
the covalent bonds, when the substance
melts or boils.

In graphite, one electron from each carbon
atom is delocalised. These delocalised electrons
allow graphite to conduct heat and electricity.

Carbon can also form fullerenes with different
numbers of carbon atoms. Fullerenes can be
used for drug delivery into the body, in lubricants,
as catalysts, and in nanotubes for reinforcing
materials, eg in tennis rackets.

Metals conduct heat and electricity because of
the delocalised electrons in their structures

The relative atomic mass of an element (Ar)
compares the mass of atoms of the element
with the 12C isotope. It is an average value for
the isotopes of the element.

the mass spectrometer can also give the
relative molecular mass of each of the
substances separated in the column.

The empirical formula of a compound can be
calculated from the masses or percentages
of the elements in a compound.

The masses of reactants and products can be
calculated from balanced symbol equations.

Reactions at electrodes can be represented
by half equations, for example:
2Cl– Cl2 + 2e–
2Cl – – 2e– Cl2
Calculation of the speed of an object from the
gradient of a distance–time graph.

Calculation of the acceleration of an object
from the gradient of a velocity–time graph.

Candidates should be able to explain resistance
change in terms of ions and electrons.

candidates should be able to determine
the period and hence the frequency of a supply
from diagrams of oscilloscope traces.

Energy transferred, potential difference and
charge are related by the equation:
E = V XQ

Nuclear equations to show single alpha and
beta decay.

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