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How to get an A/A* in Astronomy

Students will be assessed on their ability to:

1.1 e describe how Eratosthenes made the first accurate calculation of the circumference of the Earth 

1.2 m describe the evidence that allowed astronomers to develop the giant impact hypothesis.

1.3 h interpret data (for example a Butterfly Diagram) in order to describe the long-term latitude drift of sunspots, determine the length of the solar cycle and predict the year of the next solar maximum

1.4 d use diagrams to explain why the lunar phase cycle is (2.2 days) longer than the orbit period of the Moon

1.4 o demonstrate an understanding of the term ‘equation of time’ (apparent solar time — mean solar time) and perform simple Calculations

1.4 q explain how aurorae are caused.

2.1 i demonstrate an understanding of the terms: perihelion, aphelion, greatest elongation, conjunction, opposition, transit and occultation

2.3 b illustrate Kepler’s second law of planetary motion with the aid of a Diagram

2.3 c demonstrate an understanding of Kepler’s third law relating planetary distances to orbital periods and perform simple calculations using the formula:
T2 = R3

2.3 d recall the main astronomical discoveries of Galileo related to the Solar System:

i phases and apparent size of Venus
ii relief features of the Moon
iii principal satellites of Jupiter (Callisto, Europa, Ganymede, Io)

2.3 e describe the discoveries of Ceres, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and the techniques involved

2.4 a describe how astronomers obtain evidence for the existence ofexoplanets (including astrometry, transit observations and use of

2.5 f demonstrate an understanding of the individual factors contained in the Drake Equation and their implications for the existence of life elsewhere in our Galaxy

3.1 c demonstrate an understanding that the elevation of Polaris above the northern horizon is equal to the latitude of the observer

3.1 e demonstrate an understanding that a star will be circumpolar from a given latitude provided declination > 90 – latitude

3.3 i demonstrate an understanding of, and perform simple calculations involving, apparent magnitude (m), absolute magnitude (M) and distance (d in pc), using this formula:

M = m + 5 – 5 log d

involving powers of 10 only (students are not required to calculate dusing this equation, only M and m)

3.3 j identify a Cepheid variable star from its light curve and deduce its period

3.4 q sketch and recognise the main components of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (HR diagram).

4.4 c use the equation:

to determine the radial velocity of a galaxy

4.4 g demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between distance and redshift of distant galaxies (Hubble’s Law) and use the formula:

v = Hd


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